Antonia Baehr
Abecedarium Bestiarium - Affinitäten in Tiermetaphern
Past dates
9:00 PM
12:30 PM
Antonia Baehr has invited her artist friends to compose a score for her about an extinct animal of their choice. There is an animal for every letter of the alphabet: S for the peaceful Steller’s sea cow or T like the Tasmanian Tiger. On the one hand, the short pieces metaphorically stand for the relationship between authors and the choreographer, on the other they reflect the symbolic dimension of the relation between man and beast. »The visualisation of these foolish affinities renders categories such as species, gender, race or era obsolete.« (Gertrude Ferrant). Antonia Baehr is one of Germany’s most idiosyncratic artists and already has been invited for the fourth time to perform at the national DANCE PLATFORM.