19.January 2022 – 22.January 2022
klub katarakt 17
International Festival for Experimental Music
For 17 years now, Hamburg based music festival klub katarakt has dedicated itself to present experimental music outside of the impenetrable walls of academia. From the start, klub katarakt’s core identity has been defined through openness – considering the integrity of artistic visions as much as the fact that its audience does not, nor should it, consist exclusively of contemporary music experts. Ranging from the unusual to the avant-garde, the performances presented at klub katarakt are supposed to excite, no matter your background. Looking at its ever growing audience consisting of people from all walks of life and ages, it seems to work out.
Supported by: Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Elisabeth & Karl-Heinz Behnke Stiftung, Ilse und Dr. Horst Rusch-Stiftung, Verband für aktuelle Musik Hamburg
Partners: Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg, Pianohaus Trübger, Rückkopplung Backline Service
Media partners: MusikTexte – Zeitschrift für Neue Musik, Radio FSK, ByteFM