05.December 2012 – 15.December 2012
KRASS Kultur Crash Festival 1
"Reality is currently overtaking art." Walid Ra'ad
Due to globalization and political as well as economic crises, more and more people are 'on the move' and live in different cultures. They bring a certain social (dis)order with them and carry it especially to the metropolises of the world. This creates both a potential for conflict and a creative energy. The new festival KRASS makes an attempt to define this cultural (dis)order in order to illuminate it beyond political and social programs.
Art and culture provide a framework to articulate the phenomenon and possibly create a new social consciousness. KRASS presents projects in which cultures collide; in which people with different cultural backgrounds influence each other to create something new. They open a creative outlet in artistic processes and reflect on the world they live in in order to better understand it. In cooperation with Kampnagel and Kunstwerk e.V., Bosnian theater director Branko Šimić is developing a cross-genre program that will present theater, performance, dance, music, films, lectures, and discussions over a two-week period that will address the topic of integration and interculturality from an artistic perspective. In the process, socio-political visions and ideas for a future transcultural community are developed.
KRASS is a production of Kampnagel and Kunstwerk e.V. Supported by Kulturbehörde Hamburg and Hamburgische Kulturstiftung.