Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft
20-jähriges Jubiläum: GALA
Past dates
7:00 PM
This anniversary evening will not be a play, but a dedication: to dance, to Kampnagel's stages and to the audience. Together with long-time artistic accomplices, Antje Pfundtner will dance the past years in order to ask: What kind of foresight do 20 years of divided time and divided stage create? And what vision of dance do we dedicate to the next 20 years? How do we want to come together in the future and what do we promise for it? The first step could already be to rewrite the ending from her solo »nimmer« (2014). In this work, Antje Pfundtner once dismissed her audience with the words: »So, and now everybody get lost! Take your jackets with you! I want to be a little sad!«. Now she says: »So, and now everybody come back! Bring your jackets! I want to celebrate with you!«
Antje Pfundtner will also celebrate her 20th stage anniversary on 29.10 at the event »Reden wir über Geld!« You can find the program here.