Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft
20-jähriges Jubiläum: Reden wir über Geld!
Past dates
7:30 PM
»How do you share ideas? How do you share money?« Around these questions, Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft has been inviting people to her regular dialogue platform »Tischgesellschaft« since 2018 to explore the sharing of resources with artists and other guests from other professional fields. On the occasion of her 20th stage anniversary, Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft opens her format to the public to debate such a sensitive topic as money. In the presence of numerous table companions, the evening will discuss options and utopias of monetary sharing as well as models of distribution and utilization, such as the artists' fund that Antje Pfundtner and Anne Kersting founded together with the artists Barbara Lubich, Fabrice Mazliah, Sheena McGrandles, Roberta Mosca, Tilman O'Donnell, Juliana Oliveira, Norbert Pape, Regina Rossi and Anke Strauß: »The fund we wanted to initiate aims at generating a collective capital that enables thinking bigger than any individual can! « In addition to the question of which working methods unrestricted money enables, Antje Pfundtner and her colleagues will discuss utopias of monetary sharing with the interested audience and gather new ideas.
Antje Pfundtner will also celebrate her 20th stage anniversary on 30.10. at a »GALA«. You can find the program here.