Kampnagel sommerfestival logo anschnitt 4c
Asset 51276
© shutterstock.com: Gerry Boughan, S-F, Christian Mueller, maziarz, Jorg Hackermann
Asset 51276
© shutterstock.com: Gerry Boughan, S-F, Christian Mueller, maziarz, Jorg Hackermann

Baltic Raw



free entrance

Past dates

Asset 51276
© shutterstock.com: Gerry Boughan, S-F, Christian Mueller, maziarz, Jorg Hackermann
Asset 51277
© shutterstock.com: Gerry Boughan, S-F, Christian Mueller, maziarz, Jorg Hackermann
Asset 51278
© shutterstock.com: Gerry Boughan, S-F, Christian Mueller, maziarz, Jorg Hackermann
Asset 51279
© shutterstock.com: Gerry Boughan, S-F, Christian Mueller, maziarz, Jorg Hackermann
Asset 51280
© shutterstock.com: Gerry Boughan, S-F, Christian Mueller, maziarz, Jorg Hackermann

An exhibit of international signature architecture in the festival garden by Baltic Raw, taken over by artists and activists from Hamburg.

During previous festivals, the Hamburg art collective Baltic Raw reinterpreted controversial buildings – creating the Kanalphilharmonie (2013), the Kanalspielhaus Flora and the action-space for refugees EcoFAVELA (2014) – in the festival garden. Together with artists and institutions from the Hamburg culture scene they are now transforming the structural language of power – as it plays out in international metropolises – into social statues and alternative space concepts. In Hamburg, capitalist monuments from around the world are democratized as accessible sculptures. Glass and steel constructions become temporary wood modules and drivable installations. The exhibit plays with flexible forms of city construction, life and work, and simultaneously creates platforms for artists and urban actors. They thus reimagine Frank O. Gehry’s (Available Light) Walt Disney Concert Hall (L.A., USA), as MIGRATION WELCOME CENTER, the Burj Khalifa (Dubai, UAE) as a Bicycle workshop and the European Central Bank (Germany, FFM) as HAUS DER DARSTELLUNGSKÜNSTE (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIONAL ARTS) and the outlook point in Hamburg’s HafenCity as the POV FROM ABOVE. In the front part of garden, the Uschi Geller Experience’s installation, AVANTGARDENING, presents ecosexual objects and invites you to linger. Join the green room!

Wed-Sun starting 18:00, closend Sun August, 9.

Amongst others, the program features the following artists/groups:


The diverse figures involved in Recht auf Stadt, the Hamburg platform for critical urban initiatives. Recht auf Stadt sees itself as a loose organization with a common stance against urban neoliberalism. During WOW!tecture some of them will tackle the current migration debate.


The MIGRATION WELCOME HALL will be putting welcome culture to the test with music, European-Ghanaian clothing, balloons and the SMALL WORLD BARBEQUE. Please register at the reception-desk! The VOICE RECORDER installation can be found inside MWH as well. You can hear an endless loop of edited voices of refugees the artist interviewed at camps at Hamburg central station, the former EcoFAVELA and the initial reception for asylum seekers at the Schnackenburgallee in Hamburg.

VOICE RECORDER - An installation by Benni Bo and Teppei Ozawa The VOICE RECORDER installation can be found inside MWH as well. You can hear an endless loop of edited voices of refugees the artist interviewed at camps at Hamburg central station, the former EcoFAVELA and the initial reception for asylum seekers at the Schnackenburgallee in Hamburg.

Wed-Sun starting 18:00


JAJAJA: DADADA A project by Iris Minich und Arvild Baud

For the three weeks of the festival, the Hamburg underground avantgarde artist family JAJAJA has moved into the HAUS DER DARSTELLUNGSKÜNSTE, armed with alchemical singing, electric djembes and their self-built video cameras.

Wed-Sun starting 18:00, closed sunday august 9.


DRONES AROUND HOLLYWOOD, 2015 A video installation by Niels Bonde

Even the most important events in our lives are no longer seen with the naked eye, they are now seen through our tv-, computer- and smart phone-screens. The series of works that Drones Around Hollywood is part of, adresses this phenomena directly, as they are only recognizable as you see/hold up your cell phone in front of the screen. The large LED screen shows a very, very pixelated film of the Hollywood sign, taken by a drone circling the the mother of all signs, a sign that has come to signify both an area - now known as Hollywood, as well as the commercial film industry. All this because a real estate developer in 1923 put up a sign to advertise his land development.




radpropaganda.org builds vehicles that are classified as bicycles, but are really seating, pedal-powered cellphone charger stations or shelving for returnable bottles. They become a basis for intervention and experimentation in regulated or unused public space, protected by their status as locked bicycles in the urban space. For WOW!tecture, prototypes of mobile civic-space containers are designed and built in an explorative workshop, and connections made to urban development and traffic policy.



Reclaim the streets with your stomach, ear and muscles. STUDIOBUEHLER fries churros, TerryTomTom spins the musical plates and Till Wolfer/N55 builds on XYZ CARGO. A sociocultural intervention.

MI 05.08. Intervention A Churros »Classic«: We’ll start with the classic Churro »Dulce de Leche« combined with classic 50‘s / R‘n‘B‘ / Swing / Beat tunes with She DJ Golden Sizta (spontaneous live Swing dance flashmob possible).

SA 08.08. Intervention B Churros »Cardamom«: Today Churros with spicy Chai filling (cinnamon, curry, cardamom) and suitable tropical, psychedelic sounds by She DJ Ewa Peel.

SA 22.08. Intervention C Churros» Hot« : sexy beats, oldschool rap, HipHop & Funk with laid-back Churros filled with chocolate and marshmallows! With DJ Kool Herbs.

RECHT AUF STADT PAVILLON By Florian Tampe and Rita Kohel

In the corner of WOW!Tecture lie the remains of the city and reclaim their rights! 22 doors from the Gängeviertel in Hamburg tell stories of their original function, make and the way they were shaped by the Gängeviertel as well. They represent the initiatives of those, who are trying to preserve old city substance and open spaces. The network »Recht auf Stadt« was formed in 2009 engaging in saving open spaces and old building structure to create an opposite pole to current city planning à la HafenCity in Hamburg. The aim is as well to make urban spaces affordable for volunteer work.

Baltic Raw (Móka Farkas, Berndt Jasper, Christoph Janiesch, Steen Carlsen) ist ein operatives Künstlerkollektiv, das (seit 2002) im Zwischenraum von Kunst, Architektur, Stadtplanung und Ortsbesetzung agiert.WEITERE BETEILIGTE Studierende HfbK –Experimentelles Design, Niels Bonde (DK), Gepa Hinrichsen (Hamburg). Gefördert aus Mitteln des Elbkulturfonds der Kulturbehörde Hamburg.