Diedrich Diederichsen
Art at Work Diskursprogramm Teil 2
Past dates
7:00 PM
Thursday, 16.02. / 19:30, ca. 90 min.: The great curator's talk more information here
Friday, 17.02. / 19:00, ca. 60 min.: Kunst und Wert - Lecture by Diedrich Diederichsen Pop- and cultural theoretician Diedrich Diederichsen argues about the various ways art is able to generate (surplus) value.
Saturday, 18.02. / 16:00, ca. 120 min.: Anti-Work Workshop mit Sheena McGrandles more information here
Saturday, 18.02. / 16:30, ca. 90 min.: Mindestlohn: Auswirkungen auf Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft more information here
Saturday, 18.02. / 18:30, ca. 90 min.: More than Elphi: Kulturpolitische Visionen für Hamburg more information here