Asset 77593
© Wolfgang Rappel
Asset 77593
© Wolfgang Rappel

Franz von Strolchen / Christian Winkler

The Impossible Vastness


15 Euro (conc. 9 Euro, [k]-Karte 7,50 Euro)

Past dates



7:00 PM



6:00 PM

In the summer of 2017, the director Franz von Strolchen, who grew up in the historic Bukovina, traveled from Greece through Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary all the way to Vienna in order to journey over the former Balkan emigration route in a period after the so-called »flood of refugees«. Beginning with this screenplay, it is a thrilling and immersive performance between film and theater, between the film team and the three female performers from Macedonia, Hungary and Germany.

direction: Franz von Strolchen research, text: Christian Winkler research, dramaturgy: Gábor Thury stage design, costumes: Andrea Cozzi video, music: Simon Janssen assistant direction: Julia Herrgesell with: Natasa Stork, Natalija Teodosieva, Alina Weber
Eine Franz von Strolchen Produktion mit Unterstützung der Hamburgischen Kulturstiftung, Land Steiermark Kultur (Open Call 2017), Kulturamt Stadt Graz, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, in Kooperation mit Theater am Lend Graz, Tráfo Theater Budapest, MKC Skopje.