John Jordan und Isabelle Fremeaux / Labofii
Tanzender Ungehorsam: Ein Workshop über Performance, Politik und Klima-Gerechtigkeit
Past dates
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
Workshop can be joined at any time
The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination researches creative forms of resistance across Europe, for example an army of clowns that stirs up protests, snowballs that fly at bankers or old bicycles, which are adapted into machines for the disobedient. The two artist-activists and laboratory founders, John Jordan and Isabelle Fremeaux are coming to Kampnagel for the third time to engage with creative strategies for protest. They give impulses for effective group organisation and alternative forms of cooperation in order to prepare choreography for the coming mass protests, e.g. the demonstrations against coal mining in Garzweiler or the climate summit at the end of the year in Paris. Artists, activists and all those who want to are invited to train the civil disobedient and school their bodies as mediums of resistance.