Juha Valkeapää
Executed stories, light version
Past dates
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Executed Stories is a story-telling solo performance about execution in the history of humanity, the angle shifting between that of executed person and executioner. For the executed, execution is an irreversible act, while the executioner might be a proud and skillful officer of the state. It tells life stories of a few people, from different times, who ended their lives either executed or working as an executioner. Besides the life stories, Executed Stories demonstrates a few execution methods. The tone of the performance is neutral and factual, but not without humour – hey, let´s play hangman! And there is a lottery: what would you like to eat as your last meal; hopefully the show will whet your appetite !
Executed Stories premiers in August 2013 at Festival Lókal in Iceland.