Konferenz der ZEIT-Stiftung
Past dates
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
The Conference Program Is Online! Information And Registration Here:
European elections will take place in May 2019. What can be done to save democracy? How can people with different opinions deal with one another in a respectful way? At EuropaCamp, the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius is inviting you for the second time to consider a future Europe. The audience is challenged to be active participants and discuss issues with representatives from the fields of politics, science, art and culture, economy and the media.
The conference program will be announced soon.
Tickets & Registration
The entrance to the conference is free. Registration is required fo each conference day (Friday and Saturday day tickets) as well as for each workshop. Please register here.
Artistic program within the context of EuropaCamp: SORRY von Monster Truck / The Footprints of David (25.-27.04.2019) NATHAN DER WEISE von Gintersdorfer / Klaßen und Theater Bremen (26.-27.04.2019)