Asset 57986
© Kerstin Behrendt
Asset 57986
© Kerstin Behrendt

Kongress Work in Progress / Kongress Work in Progress - Auftaktveranstaltung

Die Wirksamkeit unseres Tuns


opening event on thursday: entrance free. Daytickets for friday: 50 Euro (conc. 35 Euro)

Past dates

Asset 57986
© Kerstin Behrendt
Keynote from Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart
© Selim Sudheimer

Keynote from Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart



At the 2016 WORK IN PROGRESS conference, work should not be thought of in relation to its consequences, rather the focus is on effectiveness. The effectiveness of a job is measured by how it influences its surroundings and the relationship between defined goal and achievement. What does that mean for us – individually, artistically, professionally but, above all, socially? The Hamburg Conference for the Future of Work enters its fifth cycle and this year it’s going on tour! As such WORK IN PROGRESS bids farewell to the traditional conference format and blurs the boundaries between stage and auditorium. Conference participants are brought to the venues by bus, where there is work to be done. They choose a topic and visit businesses and institutions, whose employees pursue targets in the same sphere (Descriptions of all tours: see below). But the motivation and type of effectiveness varies among non-government organisations, artists, businesses, social enterprises, activists and public bodies. WORK IN PROGRESS invites you to join in a dialogue with different participants in their individual domains. Experts deliver the theoretical background along the way. The conference closes with a keynote speech at Kampnagel and an informal final debrief, to share impressions and experiences with participants of other tours.

Bustours (two busses leave for each tour, all tours are held in German only, Ticketslinks in the box on the right) Refugees welcome - sustainable future prospects for refugees with stops at St. Pauli Church, Stadtreinigung (City Cleaning), and integration for refugees, morethanshelters Art / Impact - The impact of Art with stops at Millerntor Gallery, studio Boran Burchardt, Kampnagel All inclusive - social participation in our society with stops at Dialog im Dunkeln, Anastasia Umrik, Hinz & Kunzt No No Future - ecological sustainability and practical experience with stops at Energieberg Georgswerder, Agency Mutter, Foodsharing, Hanseatische Materialverwaltung Creating City - urban development and its impact on society with stops at PlanBude, nexthamburg, PFP Architektur

WORK IN PROGRESS ist eine Veranstaltung von Kampnagel und der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft. Partner und Förderer: Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Kirchlicher Dienst in der Arbeitswelt. Funded by Imagine2020 – Art and Climate Change. With the support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.