Discourse / Panel / Discussion

Kulturforum Hamburg e.V.

School and culture or culture and school

Past dates




7:30 PM

The "artistic subjects" in schools - music, visual arts, theater and media projects - have developed into a real location factor in the competition for enrollment figures and, above all, concepts to promote more equal opportunities in educationally disadvantaged urban regions in the course of self-responsible schools. Schools advertise cultural officers as promotion offices and have their own budgets with which they can finance extracurricular collaborations. It turns out that cooperation with cultural professionals and cultural foundations and corresponding programs, which are also supported with public funds, have a positive effect. This can also be seen in new forms of interaction in schools and in ambitious teacher training. The question remains as to whether, despite these efforts, all children actually have comparable opportunities to access cultural education. And if there are weaknesses, what can be done?

Representatives of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendkultur e.V., the Kulturagenten Hamburg, the Gabriele Fink Foundation and head teachers from primary and district schools as well as grammar schools will talk about this. State Councillor Rainer Schulz will be present on behalf of the education authority.