Asset 88329
© Kampnagel
Asset 88329
© Kampnagel

La Fleur

Körper als Unternehmen


18 Euro (reduced 9 Euro, [k]-Karte: 9 Euro)


In deutscher und französischer Sprache

Past dates

Debut Performance



8:30 PM



8:30 PM



7:30 PM

Asset 88329
© Kampnagel
Asset 88330
© Kampnagel

Dancers, performers, and DJs move through Hamburg and Paris carrying out artistic fieldwork. At the centre are the places where many of the performers live and work: St Georg in Hamburg, which remains a highly politicised area, and the precarious Chateau Rouge district of Paris’s 18th arrondisement. The latter is also the backdrop for Emile Zola’s »L’Assommoir« (1877) and »Nana« (1880), two of his novels dealing with the impossibility of the poorest of the poor ever escaping their permanent downwards social spiral. In LA FLEUR, the novels and their characters are the entry points for discussing these issues but above all for developing strategies to counteract such fates.

With: La Fleur
With: Annick Choco, Danny Banany, Jean Claude Dagbo alias DJ Meko, Léonard Engel, Cora Frost, Carlos Martinez Velazquez, Ordinateur, Jesseline Preach, Franck E. Yao alias Gadoukou la Star, Gregor Zoch Direction: Monika Gintersdorfer Coreography: Franck E. Yao alias Gadoukou la Star Music: Arvild Baud Stage: Lydia Schellhammer, Chris Mukenge Costumes: Abdoulaye Kone alias Bobwear Production Management: Gregor Zoch
Gefördert von der Behörde für Kultur und Medien und im Rahmen des EU Netzwerkes Imagine 2020, Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.