Two older white men in black clothing play the trumpet and xylophone in front of a screen on which an image of animated sheep is projected.
© Sandra Mehl
Two older white men in black clothing play the trumpet and xylophone in front of a screen on which an image of animated sheep is projected.
© Sandra Mehl

Label Caravan

Émoi & moi – Ciné-concert


9 Euro for adults, 7 Euro for children. Mondays 4 Euro for everyone.


For all ages from 3 years

Past dates

The French company was already a guest at the "klangfest" in 2023. They wowed the audience and us so much that we invited them back for another production. Pierre-Yves Prothais and Matthieu Letournel make music to old silent films. A trumpet sounds, keyboard sounds, percussion rhythms and lots of exciting noises - all live to the wonderful, short films.

Music & sounds Pierre Payan, Éric Philippon

A production by Label Caravan (France).