Lange Nacht Special Edition
20:00 Andrea Neumann 21:00 Nika Son 22:00 Lucrecia Dalt (RVNG Intl) 23:00 Huthwelker & Hoffmann
Instead of the traditional Long Night, the last festival day will present four shorter individual concerts this year.
The Berlin based composer and pianist Andrea Neumann will perform a solo show on an so called »Innenklavier«: a reduction of the instrument to the strings, the resonating body and the cast- iron frame. From the dismantled vestige of a piano, which is amplified and defamiliarized with the help of electronics, Andrea Neumann has developed numerous distinct techniques, sounds and preparations.
Nika Son is a freelance musician, artist, DJ and sounddesigner for films based in Hamburg. As an audio artist, she is dedicated to the search for exceptional sounds and the discovery of new and old technologies of music. She will present her first solo album To Eeyore (2020) in concert.
A special guest of this years edition is the Colombia-born, Berlin based musician Lucrecia Dalt (RVNG Intl). Her work encompasses the worlds of the avantgarde and contemporary electronic music, influenced by her background as a geotechnician, as well as music and philosophies from all over the world. klubkatarakt features the Hamburg premiere of her new album No era sólida (released in September 2020) in a live setting.
René Huthwelker and Carl-John Hoffmann will perform an audiovisual concert. In his solo performances, Huthwelker uses analog-synthetic feedback loops to create a form of repetitive minimalism, which gradually consolidates itself into pulsating structures. Video artist Carl-John Hoffmann will facilitate the concert with live visuals. Both artists are members in the polymedial artist collective Niedervolthoudini from Hamburg.