A pink flash pierces through a grey cloudy sky. A fighter plane flies overhead, dropping several bombs.
A pink flash pierces through a grey cloudy sky. A fighter plane flies overhead, dropping several bombs.

Marc Sinan / Ensemble Resonanz

Different Bombs


Entry free with registration


Descriptions of physical and psychological violence, depiction of war events, thematisation of anti-Semitism and racism

Past dates




6:00 PM

More than 34,000 people died in the bombings of Hamburg in the summer of 1943 – supporters and accomplices as well as those persecuted by the Nazi regime. With their project DIFFERENT BOMBS, the Marc Sinan Company and Ensemble Resonanz confront the difficult simultaneity of being perpetrators and victims. In the first part of the evening, a composition by Marc Sinan will be performed.

Sponsored by FHH – Behörde für Kultur und Medien, Ilse und Dr. Horst Rusch-Stiftung, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Senat Berlin.

A joint event by: Marc Sinan Company, Ensemble Resonanz, Kampnagel, Behörde für Kultur und Medien, Förderkreis Mahnmal St. Nikolai e.V., Stiftung Hamburger Gedenkstätten und Lernorte, YMUSIC GmbH.