Mariana da Silva
Portugiesische Verhältnisse
Warum der Richter tot im Dünengras liegt
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7:00 PM
Mariana da Silva grew up in Stuttgart as the eldest daughter of a Portuguese family and has lived in Hamburg for many years, where she works as an author and editor. Following her crime thriller debut “Südlich von Porto lauert der Tod”, she recently published the sequel “Südlich von Porto wartet die Schuld”. That's what it's about: While young policewoman Ria Almeida is busy relocating from Stuttgart to Torreira, a small coastal town south of Porto, an emergency call comes in to the local police station: During an excursion to a nearby nature reserve, students have come across a male corpse. Ria and village policeman João have their hands full securing the crime scene and keeping the environmentalists at bay. When Ria asks Comissário Baptista for help, he is at court, but the start of the trial is delayed because the judge is missing. The same judge who lies dead at Ria's feet in the dune grass ...
Moderation: Volker Albers