Michiel Vandevelde
das Kinderparlament
Past dates
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
We are in the future. On the ruins of a failed democracy, small creatures try a reconstruction and test which tools they need to organize their environment. In a strange opening session of this new parliament, where sound recordings, film images, smells, objects and creatures of all kinds come together, the inhabitants of the city are invited to experience, question and construct. The CHILDREN’S PARLIAMENT an installation-based, interactive and multimedia long-term performance developed by renowned Belgian choreographer Michiel Vandevelde. The performance is aimed at younger and older audience members. .
Dramaturge Anna Teuwen talks to the director, curator and author Michiel Vandevelde about the project THE CHILDREN'S PARLIAMENT, his label »The Political Party« and poster campaign that he developed with the young project participants instead.