Asset 72113
© Kampnagel
Asset 72113
© Kampnagel

New Media Socialism

Hello Deutschland - Die Einwanderungsserie


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10:00 PM



11:00 PM

Asset 72113
© Kampnagel
Asset 72114
© Kampnagel

In the scripted reality series »Goodbye Deutschland«, the TV station Vox developed a format in which German citizens are followed by a camera as they emigrate. HELLO DEUTSCHLAND turns the situation around: here, refugees are accompanied while they arrive in German society. Biography and fiction as well as reality and potentials combine in a new web TV series. Afterwards, there will be a party with the se- ries’ protagonists.

Funded by Kulturbehörde Hamburg/Elbkulturfonds and Robert Bosch Stiftung.Die Spielzeiteröffnung OPENHAUS wurde gefördert von der Rudolf-Augstein-Stiftung und der Europäischen Union / Creative Europe im Rahmen von Imagine 2020 | Art and Climate Change