Nikolas Kuhl / Stefan Sandrock
Ein neues Hamburger Ermittlerduo und ein alter Fall
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7:00 PM
Nikolas Kuhl and Stefan Sandrock have produced a strong Hamburg crime thriller debut with “Das Dickicht”.In it, Juha Korhonen and his colleague Lucas “Lux” Adisa are called in to investigate a kidnapping case at the Hamburg police station.Juha soon realizes that the case has striking parallels to a crime that took place almost two decades ago. Back then, fourteen-year-old Daniel Boysen was buried in a box in the woods and could only be recovered dead.The perpetrator committed suicide.
During the investigation, Lux discovers inconsistencies in the Boysen file. Why did the former detective continue to investigate after the case was closed before he died shortly afterwards? Was he hastily satisfied with a solution that may have been the wrong one? Piece by piece, a tragedy is revealed in which victims became perpetrators and vice versa...
Moderator: Frank Keil