Asset 62174
© Kampnagel
Asset 62174
© Kampnagel

Rabih Mroué

On three Posters


15 Euro (conc. from 9 Euro, all three shows 35 Euro)


in englischer Sprache

Past dates



8:00 PM

ON THREE POSTERS follows the filmic explanation of a politically motivated suicide from 1985 to present-day Lebanon. Shortly before a deadly deployment that was part of the resistance against the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon, pilot Jamal Salti documented his final message on video. With this as a takeoff point, Rabih Mroué lays open the tensions between basic humanity and heroic representation. The first of his three »non-academic lectures« also tries to comprehend how the reception of his work, which was first performed in 2000, has changed in the post-9/11 political climate.

Künstler/ in: Rabih Mroué
Supported by Ilse und Dr. Horst Rusch-Stiftung