Sebastian Matthias
People looking at people looking at people
Past dates
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
For three years, choreographer Sebastian Matthias and his team have explored the complex organizational dynamics of public spaces in their performance series GROOVE SPACE. For the finale and high-point of the long-term project, they are now translating this research from the stage back to the city. PEOPLE LOOKING AT PEOPLE LOOKING AT PEOPLE consists of a multitude of site-specific miniature performances that were developed out of locally researched gestures and interaction patterns in half-public indoor spaces. Audience members use a city map to make their way from station to station, where they can view the everyday events in these locations as a theatrical experience. In a subtle displacement of reality, PEOPLE LOOKING AT PEOPLE LOOKING AT PEOPLE exaggerates social choreography outside of the theater stage.
With PEOPLE LOOKING AT PEOPLE, Sebastian Matthias brings his three-year research phase to an end.