Asset 61605
© Arne Schmitt
Asset 61605
© Arne Schmitt

Sebastian Matthias

People looking at people looking at people


12 Euro (concessions from 9 Euro, [k]Karte 6 Euro)


Treffpunkt: Heiligengeistbrücke/Hamburg-Neustadt. Die Distanz zwischen den einzelnen Orten legen die Zuschauer*innen eigenständig mit öffentlichem Nahverkehr, mit dem Rad oder zu Fuß zurück.

Past dates



6:00 PM



6:00 PM



6:00 PM



7:00 PM

Asset 61605
© Arne Schmitt
Asset 61606
© Arne Schmitt
Asset 61607
© Arne Schmitt

For three years, choreographer Sebastian Matthias and his team have explored the complex organizational dynamics of public spaces in their performance series GROOVE SPACE. For the finale and high-point of the long-term project, they are now translating this research from the stage back to the city. PEOPLE LOOKING AT PEOPLE LOOKING AT PEOPLE consists of a multitude of site-specific miniature performances that were developed out of locally researched gestures and interaction patterns in half-public indoor spaces. Audience members use a city map to make their way from station to station, where they can view the everyday events in these locations as a theatrical experience. In a subtle displacement of reality, PEOPLE LOOKING AT PEOPLE LOOKING AT PEOPLE exaggerates social choreography outside of the theater stage.

With PEOPLE LOOKING AT PEOPLE, Sebastian Matthias brings his three-year research phase to an end.

Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Konzeptionsförderung der Kulturbehörde Hamburg, Stadt Zürich Kultur.In Kooperation mit Kleiner Michel / Katholische Kirche St. Ansgar, KorallBar, Rindermarkthalle St. Pauli, Bewegungsraum im Gängeviertel, Kaengado Kampfsport, Galerie Raum linksrechts