A white, athletic man supports himself in an acrobatic position with his right hand on the floor. With his left foot he touches the ground and keeps his body in the air. He is wearing athletic clothes. Behind him a wooden wall
© Daniel Herros Montero
A white, athletic man supports himself in an acrobatic position with his right hand on the floor. With his left foot he touches the ground and keeps his body in the air. He is wearing athletic clothes. Behind him a wooden wall

The Gym: Animal Flow with Daniel Hererros Montero

Animal Flow is an innovative fitness programme that combines ground-based movements with elements from various bodyweight training disciplines to create a fun, challenging workout with an emphasis on multi-planar, fluid movements. Based on the ABCs of animal movement forms, Animal Flow helps increase mobility, flexibility, stability, strength, dexterity and neuromuscular communication. Daniel Herreros is an Animal Flow Coach and in this class he demonstrates a system that simultaneously builds and expands our resilience and creativity.