Asset 119502
© Thommy Willkowei
Asset 119502
© Thommy Willkowei

DJ Waxs



Pay as much as you feel! All entrance fees will be donated. Once you have your ticket in the shopping basket, you can decide whether you want the standard ticket (12 Euro), the money-saving ticket (5 Euro), the sponsoring ticket (20 Euro) or the super deluxe sponsoring ticket (50 Euro) via the discount function. If you can't afford the money-saving ticket, please write an email to With one of these ticket you can of course also visit the rest of the Queer B-Cademy on the whole weekend and you don't need to buy multiple tickets!


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Past dates



11:00 PM

With the format AFRO PRIDE, a club series from the Migrantpolitan community was realised in Hamburg in 2019. The founder DJ WAXS follows his vision to ensure a more equitable nightlife landscape. This intersectional dance party is not only open to queer, non-white audiences, but also delivers the best Afro beats and many other sounds from around the world that are missing in the city's queer clubs. AFRO PRIDE aims to sustainably strengthen the queer community in Hamburg, make it more inclusive and bring different communities together. At AFRO PRIDE everyone can feel at home, express their own style and practice radical solidarity - with mutual respect and shamelessly good dance moves.

With: DJ Waxs