Andreas Dorau
Album Premiere / Support: Erneuerbare Energien, Justus Köhncke (DJ-Set)
Past dates
10:00 PM
Pop cultural event at the start of the festival: Andreas Dorau’s album premiere »The Love and annoyance of others« with top support program.
Right on time for the opening of the International Summer Festival: Andreas Dorau, one of German popular culture’s architects is returning with a double album. »Die Liebe und der Ärger der Anderen« [The Love and the Pains of the Others] is the name of his tenth stroke of genius, and the title also gives a bit of a hint: after songs about extraterrestrials or, most recently, the local library, Dorau is now daring to approach the big theme of pop – including perfectly composed hooklines. With his befriended quality guarantors like Moses Schneider, Andreas Spechtl from Ja, Panik and Mense Reents, Dorau has pushed the boundaries of insanity a bit further and was able to win over Luka Anzilotti from SNAP (yes: SNAP!) and Alfredo, the inventor of Balearic Beats, as producers. The album is appropriately varied. In the words of the famous Gereon Klug: »The music wanders through dance and pop. Dorau’s musical weaving machine works alchemically and leaves pieces behind whose ingredients can only be separated by a centrifuge of nerdy musicologists.« For those who want to take a quick read into Dorau’s eventful life, the biography he wrote together with Sven Regener, »Ärger mit der Unsterblichkeit«, is highly recommended. And to make the record release and International Summer Festival opening party perfect, the supergroup Erneuerbare Energien will support and Justus Köhncke will be at the turntables afterwards.