Asset 103019
© Ariel Efraim Ashbel
Asset 103019
© Ariel Efraim Ashbel

Ariel Efraim Ashbel

On the politics of forgiving


In englischer Sprache Die Veranstaltung findet als Zoom-Webinar statt. Teilnahme über den Link im Text.

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8:00 PM

Within the framework of the Tage der jüdisch-muslimischen Leitkultur, which are taking place nationwide from October 3 to November 9, initiated by Max Czollek, the long-time Kampnagel artist Ariel Efraim Ashbel will address questions of responsibility and forgiveness in the context of Jewish spirituality: from fragments of European philosophy to prayer cycles and pieces of Yemeni music to a re-reading of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah - one of the most dramatic tales of divine revenge. Forgiveness must be given, you cannot take it away. It is a risky business. And it forces us to talk anew about alliances, solidarity and commitment.

»Forgiveness is not, it should not be, normal, normative, normalising. It should remain exceptional and extraordinary, in the face of the impossible: as if it interrupted the ordinary course of historical temporality«

Jacques Derrida, »on forgiveness«

#forgiveness #makingspearsintohooks #tagederjüdischmuslimischenleitkultur #tdjml

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