
Can the subaltern remember?

Dr. Massimo Perinelli: 30 Jahre NSU-Komplex – 30 Jahre Migrantifa

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7:00 PM

Who remembers the victims of right-wing violence, who names the perpetrators and their supporters? And who explicitly does not remember? Whose memory practice and expert knowledge is marginalized and whose narrative is enforced with the power of the dominant society? Even before the digital congress ANTIFASCHISM 2021, Dr. Massimo Perinelli and Dr. Katharina Rhein will give two substantive inputs into the topics of the congress. In their short presentations and in the subsequent conversation with Nissar Gardi, they identify some key issues that will be further explored on April 16 and 17.

Dr. Massimo Perinelli: 30 Years NSU Complex - 30 Years Migrantifa

The historian, speaker and activist Massimo Perinelli outlines three parallel developments in his lecture: While the NSU murderers organized attacks on migrant-read people since the 1990s, the investigating authorities ignored all indications of the radical right-wing motives. Instead, they criminalized - flanked by a large part of the media - the victims, survivors and their relatives. Their evidence and testimonies were discredited, which led to a self-organization of post-migrant communities against the marginalization of their experiences, memories and expert knowledge.

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Project management: Jens Geiger Project coordination Heinrich Böll Foundation Hamburg: Petra Zivkovic Project coordination Kampnagel: Alina Buchberger Kampnagel production management: Johanna J. Thomas Project coordination Metropolis Kino: Manja Malz Curator film program and exhibition: Jens Geiger Curators Congress: Alina Buchberger, Jens Geiger, Petra Zivkovic Collaboration Congress: Annette Hans Video editing congress: Francis Eggert Advisory Committee: Ibrahim Arslan, Caro Keller, Dr. Susann Lewerenz, Daniel Manwire, Dan Thy Nguyen, Dr. Reyhan Şahin, Eliza-Maimouna Sarr Mediation: Sonja Collison, Melani Klaric Print Design: Damian Domes Website Design: Damian Domes, Fabian Donay Development and implementation Website: Fabian Donay Social Media: Marcel Wicker
Eine Veranstaltung von Kampnagel, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Hamburg und Metropolis Kino. Mit Unterstützung von ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Buccerius, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, Heinrich Böll Stiftung und Amadeu Antonio Stiftung. Gefördert durch die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.