Asset 119152
© Kampnagel
Asset 119152
© Kampnagel

Finding melodys and creating a song mit Thorben Diekmann


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Past dates



4:00 PM

Thorben Diekmann: We will learn how to find melody from different instruments and how we strat to create a song with it from zero with Thorben Diekmann.

Thorben was born and raised in Hamburg and already started playing the piano at the age of 9. He learned his craft as a musician from the highly experienced concert pianist Edda Blufahrt. Soon, he started playing in various jazz and pop formations as a pianist and keyboarder. Among being part of Shkoon, Thorben also works on other projects, such as commissioned music compositions and productions.

Project Manager Darb Attabana Jugendclub: Moaeed Shekhane