Asset 72061
© Kampnagel
Asset 72061
© Kampnagel

Halil Altindere



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Past dates


For his video »Homeland«, produced for the Berlin Biennale 2016, Halil Altındere worked with the rapper and activist Abu Hajar. The work is placed in the context of the pro-democratic revolts in the course of the »Arab Spring« in the Near East as well as the violent reactions of the governments, which forced millions of civilians to flee. The video shows the dangerous journey of the refugees through the neighboring countries all the way to Europe as well as the search for a new life on the basis of Abu Hajar ’s song, who is a Syrian refugee now living in Berlin.

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Halil Altındere and Pilot Gallery, Istanbul, in Auftrag gegeben und koproduziert von der Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, mit Unterstützung von SAHA, IstanbulDie Spielzeiteröffnung OPENHAUS wurde gefördert von der Rudolf-Augstein-Stiftung und der Europäischen Union / Creative Europe im Rahmen von Imagine 2020 | Art and Climate Change