A photo of the author Jacinta Nandi smiling at the camera. She has a braid and is wearing a black top with a round neckline from which pink bra straps peek out. The background of trees and a wall is softly blurred.
© Foto: Andi Weiland / Cover: Nautilus Verlag
A photo of the author Jacinta Nandi smiling at the camera. She has a braid and is wearing a black top with a round neckline from which pink bra straps peek out. The background of trees and a wall is softly blurred.
© Foto: Andi Weiland / Cover: Nautilus Verlag

Jacinta Nandi

50 Ways to Leave Your Ehemann

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8:00 PM

In her new book author Jacinta Nandi writes about slutshaming and pity, pressure to justify and double standards towards single parents. What needs to change so that no woman is forced to stay in a relationship she doesn't want? Reading in German language.