Asset 101617
© Josep Caballero García
Asset 101617
© Josep Caballero García
Dance / Theatre

Josep Caballero García / Queerpraxis

Who's Afraid of Raimunda


15 Euro (conc. 9 Euro, [k]-Karte 7,50 Euro)


In deutscher und englischer Sprache

Past dates

Debut Performance



7:30 PM



7:30 PM



7:30 PM

Asset 101617
© Josep Caballero García
Asset 101618
© Dajana Lothert
Asset 101619
© Dajana Lothert
Asset 101620
© Dajana Lothert
Asset 101621
© Dajana Lothert

With WHO'S AFRAID OF RAIMUNDA, Josep Caballero García and his team draw on literary and musical set pieces from medieval Iberia, which pursue the hedonistic desire for a free life, both religious and sexual. However, what at the beginning of the research read as a possible utopia turned out to be a homosexual but no less patriarchal concept of relationship in which women do not appear. This is why García's new project is dedicated to Raimunda, whoever Raimunda is. As an allegorical figure, she stands for hidden, invisible identities, eclipsed by patriarchy or other power structures. So everyone will be Raimunda: New options will be created from historical facts and traditional images and roles will be reconfigured. Together with the composers Thomas Dorsch and Alexandre Maurer as well as the artist Claudia Hill, four dancers and twelve musicians of the Lüneburg Symphony Orchestra, Josep Garcia and his team create a choreographic intervention that moves between archive and utopia. WHO'S AFRAID OF RAIMUNDA is the second full-length choreography of the two-year project »Queer Crusades«, which is anchored between Hamburg, Lüneburg and Berlin.

»Who or What is Raimunda?« answers and associations on this question can be found here in the podcast »Voices of Raimunda«

#tanz #queerism #feminism #fightpowerstructures #livemusik#reclaiminghistory

The general hygiene concept for visitors can be found here.

Artistic Direction, Choreography, Performance: Josep Caballero García Performance: Göksu Kunak aka Gucci Chunk , Lea Martini, Enis Turan Composition, Musical Direction: Thomas Dorsch Composition, Sound: Alexandre J. Maurer Dramaturgie: Anne Kersting Costume / scenography: Claudia Hill Assistance Costume : Emilia Patrignani , Diane Esnault Light Design : Elliott Cennetoglu Musicians: Lüneburger Symphoniker Voice Coaching: Jule Flierl Press, PR, Social Media: Julia Kretschmer, Michael Tsouloukidse Participation Production : Lena Astarte Posch Project Management : Barbara Greiner
A production by Queerpraxis GbR/ Josep Caballero García with Kampnagel Hamburg and Theater LüneburgCo-production: HAU Hebbel am UferFunded by Fonds Doppelpass of the Federal Cultural Foundation and Supported by Elbkulturfonds of Hamburg