Kampnagel on Tour / Saša Asentić & Collaborators und Bojana Cvejić
Running Commentary on Dis_Sylphide
Past dates
10:45 AM
Zoom-webinar Presented By Sophiensaele / Berlin
Registration here
DIS_SYLPHIDE is a performance with dance artists with and without learning disabilities by Saša Asentić & Collaborators. It is based on examining three iconic choreographies of the 20th century: Mary Wigman’s Hexentanz (1926), Pina Bausch’s Kontakthof (1978) and Xavier Le Roy’s Self Unfinished (1998).
DIS_SYLPHIDE was premiered in 2018 at Kampnagel at Tanz Fokus # 4 with the Hamburg group MEINE DAMEN UND HERREN and performers from the group PER ART from Novi Sad / Serbia.
RUNNING COMMENTARY ON DIS_SYLPHIDE will take place on Zoom Webinar. The video of DIS_SYLPHIDE performance will be live-streamed, and presented with audio description. Different »interpreters« with and without disabilities will deliver their running commentaries live on separate audio channels. The audience will be given the information about how to navigate between different audio channels using the Zoom Webinar toolbar. This will allow them to listen to the commentary of their choice, or switch back and forth between various commentaries. In this way, they build their own soundtrack over the course of the event based on what they hear and/or see.
Running Commentary is a format by theorist and performance practitioner Bojana Cvejić developed for the analysis of performances and for enriching the spectators’ experience. Within DIS- is not included project in Berlin it will take place in an online environment.
ACCESSIBILTY INFORMATION The event will take place as a webinar via the video conferencing platform Zoom. Used languages are German, English and Serbian with simultaneous translation into German and English as well as into German Easy Language. There is a German audio description for blind and visually impaired people, which describes the visual elements of the performance. The event begins with a 15-minute introduction and technical test for all participants. The presentation of the commented performance itself takes about 80 minutes. Afterwards, there is the option to stay for another 5 minutes to leave your comments in the chat.
DIS- IS NOT INCLUDED is an innovative format to support and anchor artists with learning disabilities in the Berlin contemporary dance scene. The project supports them in developing their own artistic vision and positioning.
Saša Asentić is a choreographer and cultural worker. He works on the relationships between the individual and society and analyzes them as social choreography. Asentić works in the field of contemporary dance, performance and disability arts. Bojana Cvejić is a theorist and performance-maker.