Black and white photo of the “Eat Read Sleep” podcast hosts Katharina Mahrenholtz and Daniel Kaiser. Both are wearing dark clothing and smiling at the camera. Mahrenholtz is shorter than Kaiser and is about up to his nose.
© NDR, Sinje Hasheider
Black and white photo of the “Eat Read Sleep” podcast hosts Katharina Mahrenholtz and Daniel Kaiser. Both are wearing dark clothing and smiling at the camera. Mahrenholtz is shorter than Kaiser and is about up to his nose.
© NDR, Sinje Hasheider

Katharina Mahrenholz / Daniel Kaiser

Live-Podcast: eat.READ.sleep. präsentiert ein „Krimi-Spezial“


22/18 Euro

Past dates




7:30 PM

Reading is a hobby for boring nerds who prefer not to leave the sofa?Wrong!The NDR Kultur book podcast eat.READ.sleep. proves the opposite - you can listen to a new episode every 14 days and watch the live sessions.

Like on November 6, when it's crime time again for the hosts: Katharina Mahrenholtz and Daniel Kaiser will be recording a special episode in front of an audience at the Hamburg Crime Festival.They will present new thriller releases and all-time favorites of the listeners, follow a hot lead into the bestseller list - and involve the audience in a criminal literary quiz.Thrilling suspense and breathtaking plot twists are guaranteed, but don't worry: there will also be something to laugh about!