Asset 93196
© Tilly May
Asset 93196
© Tilly May


Die Heilige Zwiespalt Trilogie


Pay as much as you feel

Past dates



10:00 PM

Kick-Ass Queereeoké have a thesis: the Western social contract demands Christian self-breeding, no matter how atheistic everyone wants to be here, so that hell never finds its way in. And that is not only boring, but also discriminating against queers. It cries out for a settlement with the Occident. This is what the collective is doing with this trilogy. The first part deals with the seven extravagances of death (formerly sins): It’s done by the finest blasphemy: it is sung arrogantly, danced excessively, looked enviously and flirted voluptuously. Full of anger against the patriarchy, yet too lazy for overorganized activism - they do what they do best: to create the best party hell. Dress code: Channel your inner Ira, Luxuria, Avaricia, Gula, Superbia, Invidia or Acedia.

Funded by: im Rahmen des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.