Asset 119830
© Felix Schoeller
Asset 119830
© Felix Schoeller

La Fleur

Nana kriegt keine Pocken


22 Euro (conc. 9 Euro, [k]-Karte 7,50 Euro)


In französischer und deutscher Sprache mit Live-Übersetzung in deutscher Sprache

Past dates



8:00 PM



8:00 PM

Asset 119830
© Felix Schoeller
Asset 119831
© Felix Schoeller

»Nothing gives young people more courage than love.« (Émile Zola) - But young women like Zola's Nana perish. Virginie Despentes, on the other hand, grants her protagonist in the novel »Pauline and Claudine« a temporary happy ending with a beloved partner and financial success. She has good and bad sex, gets record deals and large advances. Sex, however, is subject to economic categories in Despentes as in Zola. Yet Despentes insists in her »King Kong Theory« on a sex-positive feminism that does not counsel women to be cautious and refrain from sex, but gives them the skills to recognize and escape entrenched power structures. Despentes' power of language is reflected in LA FLEUR's choreographies: her theses on feminism and sexual violence are tested for their potential with the biographical experiences of the group members and put up for discussion. Absolutely body-political - Paul B. Preciado goes even further and penetrates the heart of darkness; grasping the global, political, religious, puritanical and patriarchal crimes against women - and, as a logical consequence, of all minorities outside the heteronormative white male - his answer is: global transition! Power, language and body forces are reflected by LA FLEUR in their over the top choreographies - reflecting heterodoxy!!! Full of inspiration for a planetary revolution against the norm!!!

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With: La Fleur
A co-production of LA FLEUR, Theater Bremen, MC93 - Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis and La Commune, centre dramatique national, Aubervilliers. The cooperation with LA FLEUR is supported by the Fonds Doppelpass of the German Federal Cultural Foundation in the framework of "Nana and Pro Sex Feminism".