Malte Spitz
Daten sind das Öl des 21. Jahrhundert
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7:00 PM
»Data is the oil of the 21st century.« This argument, frequently repeated in politics and in society in general, preoccupies Malte Spitz, a data protection consultant, Green politician and activist. What does this comparison – which is both a promise and a threat – really mean? What are the social, economic and cultural consequences of the systematic extraction of data through modern technology, and how should politicians deal with it? Using the broad significance of oil in the 21st century as a starting point, Spitz would like to talk with you about the use of (our) data as the economic raw material of the 21st century. Malte Spitz, author of the book »What are you doing with my data?« is currently a fellow at the ZEIT-Foundation’s Bucerius Lab.
Find out more about this years focus ART AND DIGITAL ACTIVISM here.