A photo collage in the style of a vacation postcard with palm trees, a fan, a glowing moon and a smoking factory building. Above it the words "A(IDA) TO Z(ERO)".
© Matter of Facts Studio
A photo collage in the style of a vacation postcard with palm trees, a fan, a glowing moon and a smoking factory building. Above it the words "A(IDA) TO Z(ERO)".
© Matter of Facts Studio
Music Theatre / Performance

Matter of Facts Studio



15 Euro (conc. 9 Euro, [k]-Karte 7,50 Euro)


Possible triggers: performers hiding in the audience, loud and very quiet music, partly from the tape, fog, strong lighting effects, stroboscopic light, pyrotechnic effect at the back of the stage, thematization of colonialism and climate change, possibly smoking on stage.

Past dates




7:30 PM




7:30 PM




9:00 PM

9:00 PM





7:30 PM

Verdi's "Aida" is the prototype of the opera spectacle from the heyday of industrialisation. The music theatre collective Matter of Facts Studio associates the "Aida" material with contemporary cruise industries. Together with oud player Abed Harsony, performer Asja Mahgoub, clarinettist Heni HyunJung Kim, bassist and gambist Rebecca Lawrence and Hamburg choir Klub Konsonanz, Matter of Facts Studio explore the opera system in microtonal interstices. Arabic harmonies overwrite Western European operatic tradition, the triumphal march is disarmed and anti-arias become an alternative source of energy.

A person in a blue evening dress stands with a raised fan behind the miniature replica of a factory with smoke coming out of its chimneys, which is illuminated in red from behind. A quartet is playing in the background.
© Charlotte Bösling
A group of people are sitting in a jumble on the floor, some with their faces visible, others with only their backs. One person is playing the clarinet in the centre. They are all illuminated by white light from below and yellow light from the side.
© Charlotte Bösling
A person in a red dressing gown stands in the middle of a stage, while a row of people dressed in grey and wearing sunglasses lean against the wall behind them. To her right, a white palm tree made of paper rises up into the air.
© Charlotte Bösling
A seated row of people can be seen from the right-hand edge of the picture. Almost all of them are dressed in grey, looking fixedly ahead and wearing sunglasses. The last person, however, is dressed in red and is leaning forwards.
© Charlotte Bösling
In the centre of the picture, a person reads from the opera "Aida" with a theatrically raised hand. On the right-hand side of the picture, a person dressed in blue is playing the double bass, and on the left a person is playing a wind instrument.
© Charlotte Bösling
A person in a red dressing gown is speaking into a microphone; on their right, the model of a factory is illuminated in yellow. Instruments can be recognised in the background. A fog illuminated in red hovers over the scene.
© Charlotte Bösling
A photo collage in the style of a vacation postcard with palm trees, a fan, a glowing moon and a smoking factory building. Above it the words "A(IDA) TO Z(ERO)".
© Matter of Facts Studio

Direction Gregor Glogowski, Benjamin Hoesch Composition Diego Ramos Rodríguez Text Gregor Glogowski, ASJA Sound direction, sound design Lukas Nowok Percussion Yuka Ohta Performance ASJA Oud, vocals Abed Harsony Clarinets Heni HyunJung Kim Bass, Gambe Rebecca Lawrence Choir Klub Konsonanz and guests: Stephan Adam, Elliot Black, Marta Denker, Jan Dinnebier, Renate Emde, Lutz Euhus, Josephina Grethler, Helen Hodgkinson, Almut Kochan, Stefan Kroschel, Sebastian Olbertz, Thomas Paprzik, Natiya Pisuthipornkul, Helena Rowinski, Skalde Runge, Marvin Sawatzki, Katrin Schäfer, Malin Uschkureit, Vanessa Zorn Choir director Uschi Krosch Stage design Friedrich Hartung, Lena Päßler Costume Anna Degenhard Lighting Benjamin Hoesch, Gregor Glogowski Graphic design Sebastian Pataki Artistic production management Carmen Salinas

A co-production of Matter of Facts Studio with Kampnagel and Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Ministry of Culture and Media, the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, the Rudolf Augstein Stiftung and the GVL (Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten).