Oriental Karaoke
Past dates
8:00 PM
After the awesome atmosphere of the previous karaoke-nights on it goes once again with the new edition of ORIENTAL KARAOKE directly from Damascus to Hamburg. Anas Aboura invites you to Kampnagel to join a lovely evening together and remember the memories of Syria. Everybody is invited to share the party and songs. Listen to the music and sing along!
Concert Preview
STILL ALIVE: SYRIAN DIASPORIC SOUNDS 07.-08.10 Bohren und der Club of Gore 08.10. SWANS 17.10. Angel Olsen 19.10. Phuong-Dan presents: »MUSIC FROM HIGH WIRES #4« Mit Torresch u.A. 21.10. Oriental Karaoke 22.10. JAMES RHODES 25.10 Dillon 26.10. DIE GROSSE GOLDEN PUDEL GALA »28.10. Jenny Hval 28.10.