Asset 72103
© Hanadi Chawaf
Asset 72103
© Hanadi Chawaf


Still Alive: Diasporic Sounds


Pay as much as you feel!

Past dates



8:30 PM

For the third edition of the STILL ALIVE – DIASPORIC SOUNDS series, the Syrian curator Anas Aboura invited musicians who come from different countries and now live in German exile. The series was initiated in order to enable an exchange between musicians in the diaspora. After a common jam session, improvisations and new works will be presented. Each new edition strengthens and expands the network in order to make it more visible and professional. In this way, hybrid sounds can be created that express a new attitude towards life. For detailed line up please come back in september!

More formats by Migrantpolitans / Anas Aboura: Oriental Karaoke (october 14, 2017)

Funded by Schöpflin Stiftung and Robert Bosch Stiftung.