Asset 86425
© Thies Rätzke
Asset 86425
© Thies Rätzke

K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg / Patricia Carolin Mai

TanzHochDrei: Hamonim


15 Euro (reduced 9 Euro, [k]-Karte 7,50 Euro)

Past dates

Debut Performance



7:30 PM



7:30 PM



7:30 PM



5:00 PM

Asset 86425
© Thies Rätzke
Asset 86426
© Hanna Naske

In HAMONIM, Patricia C. Mai explores the mechanisms of protection for a community and what is necessary for an individual to survive in a group. 70 Hamburg residents create a stage community that dissects the parameters of togetherness and practices a critical stance towards the masses.


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Artistic Direction, Concept, Choreography: Patricia Carolin Mai Assistance Choreography: Lotta Timm Artistic Assistance: Hanna Naske, Julika Schlegel Outreach: Kirsten Bremehr Musical Concept and Composition: Pauline Jacob, Daniel Dominguez Teruel Dramaturgy: Anja Kerschkewicz Costumes: Felina Levits Assistance Costumes: Sophia Wagner Costume Production: Pauline Langemaak, Caroline Packenlus Light Design: Dennis Döscher Video Documentation: Stefanie Rübensaal Photography Documentation: Hanna Naske Mentoring: Anne Kersting Graphic: Hanna Naske, Si-Ying Fung, Pam Goroncy Production and Press : Stückliesel
HAMONIM is a production by Patricia Carolin Mai and K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg. Funded by: Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung. Supported by: Seoul Dance Center, Goethe-Institut Korea, Claussen-Simon-Stiftung, Hochschulsport Hamburg.