CSD Hamburg
Pride Night
CSD Pride Week Opening
Protecting democracy together and defending minority rights – this year's motto for Christopher Street Day in Hamburg encapsulates what matters to the entire city: "5 to 12: You & I Against Right-Wing Pressure."
Past dates
8:00 PM
The Pride Night, which kicks off CSD Week at Kampnagel with the queer community, also addresses this theme. Host Michael Abdollahi guides the audience through an engaging and informative evening with dance, talks, music, and the presentation of the coveted Pride Awards. The NDR presenter welcomes a range of exciting guests to the stage: people from the community and straight allies. Among them is the Hamburg Hip Hop Academy, whose dancers will present a piece choreographed specifically for Pride Night. Musically, Die Deichgranaten (Annie Heger and Insina Lüschen) move between revelry and messages, party and politics – blending tradition with attitude, all in Low German. MALONDA is one of the most versatile and strongest artists on the current music scene. The Berlin-based singer and “electric diva”, who writes her own songs and also shines on theater stages, is passionate about anti-racist and queer-feminist issues in addition to her music. By singing and speaking about gender roles, sex and diversity, Malonda has made a name for herself as a political artist. Additionally, slam poet Lisa Pauline Wagner, a master of her craft, will share her sharply humorous queer stories, having already captivated audiences at the Queer Poetry Slam at Kampnagel. A different tune will be sung by the tenors Tim Stolte and Daniel Philip Witte: through their project "Forget me not," they give an authentic voice to queer composers in music history whose identities often remained invisible. There will also be everything you need to know about HAMBURG PRIDE 2024 and a talk with surprise guests discussing how to counter the rise of right-wing pressures – so that it doesn't become too late.