Five performers wear garishly colored, wildly patterned costumes and makeup and stand with expressive facial expressions sideways in front of a wall painted with colorful graffiti.
© Nathalie Jufer
Five performers wear garishly colored, wildly patterned costumes and makeup and stand with expressive facial expressions sideways in front of a wall painted with colorful graffiti.
© Nathalie Jufer


Breaking the Binary


Pay as much as you feel

Past dates




10:00 PM

In the time span of over 10 years the QUEEREEOKÉ collective has been able to not only generate a huge following, they also were able to reconnect audiences to the arts and to themselves. The art practice that is at the very core of the project is simply said: care work. The secret of the show’s success is not only karaoke, spontaneous choreography, provocative performance, subversive humor and the celebration of the slowly agonizing queer club culture, it also overcoming of the audience-performer binary – a queereing practice that touches people on a deep level. We are delighted to celebrate QUEEREEOKÉ, Kampnagel’s greatest audience magnet of the last decade, at this year’s B.A.L.L. "Breaking the Binary" is the theme of the night, so feel free to “Unlearn Everything”, to quote Scout Wölfli’s newest mantra, and come as ambiguous, fluid and unpredictable as you can be. Aaand… it’s a queer celebration, so make it fashion!

Smoke-free, care team and seating available in the stands. Possible triggers: rapid light changes, loud music, spatial constriction in the standing area possible, stuffy air possible, crowds, serving of alcohol.

Supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the B.A.L.L. - Bundesweites Artist Labor of the Labore at Kampnagel.