Four people are wearing silly disguises made of towels and slippers, wigs, jewelry and sunglasses. They stand together and hold each other by the legs and in the arms. The room is bathed in pink light.
© Fabian Hammerl
Four people are wearing silly disguises made of towels and slippers, wigs, jewelry and sunglasses. They stand together and hold each other by the legs and in the arms. The room is bathed in pink light.
© Fabian Hammerl
Music / Party


Future Love Paradigm


Pay as much as you feel


Smoke-free, care team and seating available in the stands. Possible triggers: rapid light changes, loud music, possible crowding in the standing area, possible stuffy air, crowds, alcohol served.




9:00 PM

/ Tickets available soon

It has always been prophesied: the apocalypse, the end of the world, and sometimes the zombies take over. Others say that Jesus is coming back. As a religion-critical karaoke collective, QUEEREEOKÉ have once again done some totally in-depth research. The apocalypse is all about what they've always trumpeted anyway: the uncompromising revelation of our true nature, the demise of binarity and the beginning of a new love paradigm. QUEEREEOKÉ takes you through the plagues of our end-time mood and ritually welcomes new energies and visionary approaches just in time for the pagan turn of the year. Despite all the kumbaya, there is no shortage of intoxication. As usual, there are songs to sing and vibe along to, expressive dance galore, intimate confessions through to tearful catharsis, sex magic and looks, baby, looks! The highlight: if you put your back into it and turn up in the right look, you'll get in quicker! Dress code: Post-Apocalyptic-Ambassador of Love. And remember: It's not how you sing, it's what you bring!