Tara Nome Doyle
Concert: »VÆRMIN«
Support: Museum Of No Art
Love songs from a spider's perspective: the most beautiful concept album of the year is music for the world's big pop stages.
Past dates
9:00 PM
On her way towards a global career, Tara Nome Doyle sat at the piano in her Kreuzberg apartment and thought about bugs. And, like everyone, about relationships. The daughter of Irish-Norwegian parents combined the English word vermin with the Norwegian vær min (be mine) and released her concept
album »Værmin« earlier this year, »one of the most beautiful pop offerings of the year« (Der Spiegel). In 13 songs, Doyle descends ever deeper into a toxic relationship, sometimes as a moth attracted to light, sometimes as a clutching spider and sometimes as someone being sucked dry by a leech (which also sits on her cheek on the album cover). The roller coaster of relationship feelings is matched by her shift from a light heady voice to a dark chesty one, embedded in minor piano chords and with accompanying musicians from Gang of Four and the Bad Seeds. Only performing live at special occasions like last year’s Pop-Kultur Festival in Berlin, Tara Nome Doyle will now perform her »unique pop work of art« (Bayerischer Rundfunk) at the Summer Festival.
Support comes from Museum Of No Art – a solo project by Hamburg-based visual artist and musician Mona Steinwidder, who creates fabulous forms with synthesizer, clarinet and special effects in a meditative, intuitive style of playing. Her self-titled album has been released on the highly acclaimed Canadian label Séance Centre.