Photo collage of a young, smiling man with a moustache and short dark hair. Next to it is a book cover with the title ‘Not the First - Movement Stories of Queers of Colour in Germany’.
© Omar Khlif
Photo collage of a young, smiling man with a moustache and short dark hair. Next to it is a book cover with the title ‘Not the First - Movement Stories of Queers of Colour in Germany’.
© Omar Khlif
Reading / Discussion / Talk / Network

Tarek Shukrallah

»Nicht die Ersten – Bewegungsgeschichten von Queers of Color in Deutschland«


8 Euro / 5 Euro for BIPoC and/or queer people with the code BUCHMESSE) / two events in the series THE PERFORMATIVE BOOK FAIR 14 Euro / all three 20 Euro


We recommend that anyone who wants to protect themselves and others from infection with COVID-19 during the event wear an FFP2 mask.




7:00 PM


‘Nicht die Ersten’ (=Not the first ones) collects stories of queer BIPoC activist movements in Germany from the 1980s to the present day. It centers the accounts of contemporary activists and witnesses in writing history. The volume can be understood as an activist intervention: into a cis heteronormative history of anti-racist struggles on the one hand, and into a white narrative of queer history on the other. The book will be presented by Tarek Shukrallah and authors.

  • Panelists: Tarek Shukrallah, Saideh Saadat-Lendle, İpek İpekçioğlu
  • Moderation: Pajam Masoumi