Wir können nicht schweigen!
© Wassily Zittel2
Wir können nicht schweigen!
© Wassily Zittel2

Wir können nicht schweigen!

Russischsprachige Autor*innen lesen Gedichte als Protest gegen den Krieg in der Ukraine


The soli price finances the event, all other proceeds will be donated to the organization "Rebuild Ukraine".

Past dates



8:00 PM

WIR KÖNNEN NICHT SCHWEIGEN is a literary event of Russian-speaking authors in exile, who write against the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine. Discomforting that the Russian language is being appropriated by propagandists and warmongers to wage war and humiliate people, the authors try to liberate their mother tongue and reclaim it as a medium for protest against the Russian war against Ukraine. With their texts, the authors want to express their solidarity with the people in Ukraine.