Antifascist Summer School

Contributions to a basic anti-fascist consensus with work-outs, teach-ins, training and good art

“I would like to do something against the right”, many people think, follow the calls of numerous anti-right-wing alliances, go to demonstrations and yet feel helpless and powerless in the face of the current situation. How can we actively and vigorously protect democracy, endangered groups and finally ourselves without resorting to purely symbolic and/or performative gestures? This is the fine line that we want to literally explore in our search for a basic anti-fascist consensus. And we believe that art and culture can make valuable contributions to defining a broad anti-fascist consensus. With this in mind, the “Antifascist Summer Dream” brings together civil society actors, artists, academics, activists and the public in various participatory formats in order to enrich and strengthen each other and thus create a basic antifascist consensus. It doesn’t have to be new, but it must be strong. This is because the “new right” focuses on the “old” victim groups of National Socialism: those who think differently politically, migrants, queers, racialised people and people with disabilities. In short: anyone who does not fit or does not want to fit into the “völkisch” image and fascist ideology. The ANTIFASCIST SUMMER SCHOOL presents a broad-based programme in order to offer as many people as possible diverse approaches and concrete participation formats for the new anti-fascist basic consensus. Detailed program soon here.


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