Six people have lined up in a pyramid shape. They all raise their arms in the air and smile.
© Christoph Voy
Six people have lined up in a pyramid shape. They all raise their arms in the air and smile.
© Christoph Voy
Echoes of Tomorrow: Season Opening 2024/25
Theatre / Performance / Music

Christiane Rösinger

Die große Klassenrevue


32/24/14 (conc. from 9 Euro, [k]-Karte from 7 Euro)


From approx. 16 years. Possible triggers: Strobe lights.

Past dates




8:00 PM




7:00 PM

In 1924, Erwin Piscator’s proletarian "Revue Roter Rummel" had its premiere in Berlin to an enthusiastic audience of workers. Now, 99 years later, musician and author Christiane Rösinger is bringing a contemporary agit-pop revue to the stage, scrupulously using all the possibilities of performance to illuminate the class relations of today. Seven experts and a band will deconstruct the "myth of the middle class" and the fashionable term "classism", refute the stubborn legend of advancement through achievement and education, offer antidotes to inherited shame in leftists, and allow the audience to share in the rich experiences of precarious life. Stories of sidestepping instead of upward mobility! The show also features authors Stefanie Sargnagel and Paula Irmschler as well as familiar comrades from the successful productions "Stadt unter Einfluss" und "Planet Egalia".

A large part of the evening (actions and narration) is sung and spoken. Thanks to the addition of an introduction before the start of the play (description of the set, costumes, actors), the production is also accessible for blind and visually impaired visitors.

Stage scene: Four people in animal costumes stand next to each other. They are dressed as a dog, cat, donkey and rooster. Two other people are dressed as trees. A pigeon sits in the foreground.
© Christoph Voy
A person is sitting on a red staircase and has thrown their head back. A large fawn is projected onto the wall in the background.
© Kampnagel
Stage scene: Several people singing and dancing. Three people are sitting on a ladder. A band is playing in the background. Confetti flies through the air.
© Christoph Voy
A band sits on a stage with their instruments. Framed by a red curtain. The words "Taklshow" are emblazoned above them.
© Christoph Voy
People walk around a railing, all holding a bottle up in their right hand. They are illuminated by spotlights and surrounded by fog. One person is waving a red flag. A pigeon sits in the foreground of the picture.
© Christoph Voy
A woman wraps herself in a golden curtain. A band plays their instruments in the background.
© Christoph Voy
One person is standing on a stage holding a microphone. Five other people sit next to her and watch her attentively. A night sky is projected around them.
© Christoph Voy
Six people have lined up in a pyramid shape. They all raise their arms in the air and smile.
© Christoph Voy

Idea, text and composition Christiane Rösinger Director Meike Schmitz, Christiane Rösinger Co-composition Paul Pötsch Musical director Laura Landergott, Paul Pötsch Band Laura Landergott, Paul Pötsch, Albertine Sarges, Izzy Ment Performance Sila Davulcu, Doreen Kutzke, Paula Irmschler, Julie Miess, Minh Duc Pham, Christiane Rösinger, Stefanie Sargnagel, Andreas Schwarz Stage Marlene Lockemann, Sina Manthey Costume Svenja Gassen Mask Thomas Korn & Juli Schulz Video and live camera Kathrin Krottenthaler Choreography Rúben Nsue Lighting design Hans Leser Collaboration direction Stella Nikisch Collaboration stage Rosina Zeus Collaboration costume Katharina Achterkamp, Aleix Ilusa Collaboration dramaturgy and production Lisa Homburger Assistant choreography Sara Fernández Translation Lyz Pfister and Andrew Clarke (Panthea) Sound Thorsten Hoppe, Rozenn Lièvre, Torsten Schwarzbach (HAU Hebbel am Ufer) Video Julia Cremers (HAU Hebbel am Ufer) Stage Technician Jan Hoffmann (HAU Hebbel am Ufer) Artistic advice Aenne Quiñones (HAU Hebbel am Ufer) Technical direction Amina Nouns (HAU Hebbel am Ufer) Production management Chiara Galesi (HAU Hebbel am Ufer)

Supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.