Mit Wael Alkak
Past dates
10:00 PM
We happily welcome you to our club-reopening with a brand new edition of Dub-Ke – Adventures in Arab Techno. The trip into the night starts with a Dabke dance workshop to refresh our memory on the basic steps and give everyone equal chance to shine in the dance floor. And after 2 years of Tanzverbot everyone might need a little push! The journey into the amazing world of Dub-ke will take us through lots of memories into a hopefully peaceful future. The music is combining traditional music from the Levant with electronic beats. All songs carefully selected and mixed with love to bring joy and good energies back. Do you remember the colourful atmosphere from the old days? So better be prepared for long night of dancing, bring your smile, good vibes, your friends and lots of energy with you.
Dub-ke is looking forward to have you all to enjoy the amazing music of Wael Alkak followed by music selection by Anas Aboura. Wael Alkak is a Franco-Syrian musician, based in Paris since 2012. A composer and Electronic music producer who was trained classically at the Conservatory of Damascus. His first album »Neshama« is inspired by the revolutionary anthems from the peaceful demonstrations in Syria in 2011. His solo Electro music project »Wael Alkak Live« is the result of a hybrid and experimental musical creation, Mixing traditional songs, Chaâbi rhythms and electro improvisations, his performances reflect a work of memory on the richness of Syrian culture, while forming an independent art category of his own. In 2018, he won the Womex18 (official selection). He is the founder of the Neshama popular arts association.